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What to expect in the near future, but most importantly What you can do about it!

Solutions that could improve our current situation, restore our freedoms and contribute to getting us back to normal!

If you have not seen my first video (VIDEO1) please do so as I feel it is important.

It is addressed to the people in charge that have turned our life’s upside down, it explains why I got involved up to this extent.

Video 1 also is a reference for anyone that may question, my views opinions and future actions!

You can find (Video 1) at the link below.

What to expect in the near future, but most importantly Solutions…
That could improve our current situation, restore our freedoms and contribute to getting us back to normal!

If you have not seen my first video (VIDEO1) please do so as I feel it is important.

It is addressed to the people in charge that have turned our life’s upside down, it explains why I got involved up to this extent.

Video 1 also is a reference for anyone that may question, my views opinions and future actions!

You can find (Video 1) at the link below.

(Video 1) On Facebook

(Video 1) On Youtube

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More Project Bypass Videos soon to come.

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Published On: January 20th, 2022 / Categories: Steven Kelly, Uncategorized /

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